PCA Zone 6


It’s that time of year: Porsche Drive time. In all our Regions the snows have melted, the roads are clean and the Porsches are being driven. Starting in May the events start coming at us every weekend and they don’t slow down till October. I know that some of our regions can drive all year. I’m jealous. Those regions not along the Pacific Ocean aren’t as fortunate and live with “Driving Seasons”; it’s better than Christmas, so let the driving season begin. Oh, don’t forget to apply for your insurance and sign the waiver.

Lots of Zone 6 activities and news.

First Big News, Living Skies Prairie is now our 16th Region. There was a Launch Party in Saskatoon on May 31st that I was happy to attend. They have 41 charter members and will grow rapidly thanks to an enthusiastic group of Porsche People and the support of their local Dealer, who was there in force to support the event. I look forward to a return visit, flight, not drive; it’s over 2,000 miles one way from my
home in Bend! We are a BIG Region!

Zone 6 at Parade in Monterey went very well. Thanks to all of you that made it to the reception. To my old eyes we had close to 300 Zone 6’ers out of the 360 that registered for Parade. I tried to say “Hi” to as many as I could. Hope that you enjoyed it. Zone 6 took lots of awards and prizes home, too many to list here, but one Zone 6 couple took home a new Targa! Mark Titterton of Vancouver Island Region won the PCA raffle this year and was presented the new Porsche Targa at the Victory Banquet. He had no clue until the end. A new Targa to go with the Targa he’s been driving for the last 30 years! How cool is that! Oh, he only bought one ticket. Guess I’ll start buying them.

The Zone 6 logo contest is still going on from now till September 1st. There are lots of talented people in our zone and I’m sure there will be no lack of great ideas. I know this because I’ve received 11 logos already! The winning logo will be announced on September 15th. Send your logo submission to your regional President and they’ll past it on to me. The Zone 6 website has all your entries and can be viewed at

Here’s a “Shout out” to the Club Racers in our Zone who are earning points in the West Coast PCA Club Racing Series:

Phil Rochelle, Class C, currently in first place and Chris Chamberlain, Class GTA, in second place.

Canada West and Pacific Northwest are hosting the Whistler Weekend, August 22 – 24. This will be a great Porsche event and get-a-way. I’m looking forward to being there and seeing you there also!

Hope to see you soon and don’t forget: it really is about the people.


