PCA Zone 6


As you read this the deadline for entries in the Zone 6 Logo contest will have passed. By the time you read the next “In the Zone”, a winner will have been announced. To see the entries and the winning logo, go to: Good luck and thank you to all that entered!

Wow! That’s the best way to describe the Whistler Weekend. I’m sure everyone who attended feels the same way. Our car, our friends and my new favorite place (next to Bend!), it just doesn’t get any better. There were over 120 Porsches entered, fifty of them lined the upper village on Saturday for the Concours and show, much to the enjoyment and delight of many a visitor. The walking rally was a great way to explore the village and the Sunday Auto-x was a great way to explore the limits of your car. I’m not sure what limits were explored on the wine tour! Maybe I shouldn’t know. Congratulations to the Olympic Peninsula Region for winning the Mark Donahue Trophy, presented to the region that had the most participants, excluding the hosting regions, based on miles driven and membership size. Glad I didn’t have to do the math, only present the Trophy. A “well done” goes to the weekend’s overall winner, and Zone 6 Webmaster, Dennis Coplen. The overall winner is determined by points earned in the three competitive events, the better you do, the more points you earn. The person at the end of the weekend with the most points wins the overall. I’ll be looking forward to next year’s version. Canada West and Pacific North West regions combined forces to host a very well done event. Great job everyone!

Speaking of next year, the “Zone 6 Grand Tour” is still going forward. We’re working on a tentative date so you can start your planning. As soon as it becomes available we’ll pass it on.

Thank you to the Absaroka Region for being a great host to me and to their President, Stephanie Haider, for the after meeting tour. What a great drive! Graham, I found your car, but not you at Skamania. I think the rain was the factor.

When you travel our great Zone, don’t forget to check the website of the region(s) you’ll be traveling through. It’s always great fun to drop-in and meet fellow PCA’ers. I’m sure you’ll be welcome!

Hope to see you soon and don’t forget: it really is about the people.


